Home Doctor Service

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Doctor Service At Home

Doctor Services at Home: We Are Here for Your Health

Nowadays, health technologies and services are constantly evolving to improve our living standards and provide us with comfort. As Bitedavi, we are taking a pioneering step to ensure that patients can receive quality health care in their own homes by offering an at-home doctor service. So, what exactly is the at-home doctor service and how does it provide advantages to you?

The at-home doctor service is a system that allows patients to receive medical examination, treatment, and consultancy services in their own comfortable environments, without the need to go to hospitals or clinics. Bitedavi brings health services directly to your home with a team of expert doctors in their field.

Doctor Service at Home

How does the Home Doctor Service work?

Appointment Request

By downloading the app, you can make an appointment request. We arrange the most suitable expert for you according to your needs and your preferred time.

Home Examination

Our doctor will come to your house at the scheduled time and perform all the necessary medical examinations. This process is no different from the examinations done in a hospital setting.

Treatment and Follow-up

If necessary, the doctor can write a prescription or administer treatment. Regular follow-up visits can be planned for chronic or long-term conditions.

At-Home Doctor Service Content

General Examination

Adult General Examination

Adult general examination includes comprehensive health check-ups, routine tests, and assessments for adults. Our expert doctors provide a wide range of services from the management of chronic diseases to treatment of sudden ailments.

Child General Examination

Child general examination is designed to meet the unique health needs of children. Our pediatricians conduct regular growth and development check-ups, vaccinations, and treatment of childhood diseases.

Dental Examination and Imaging

Dental examination and imaging services provide full-scale dental check-ups at your home. Our dentists apply necessary imaging and other diagnostic methods to maintain your dental health and detect problems at an early stage.

Surgical Operation

Minor Surgical Interventions
Nail Removal

Nail removal, necrotized tissue excision, wart and callus removal are procedures carried out by our experienced surgeons in the sterile environment of your home.

Wart and Callus Removal

Warts and calluses are common issues that complicate daily life. Bitedavi's Wart and callus removal service offers quick and painless treatment in the comfort of your home.

Abscess Drainage

We offer rapid and effective solutions for your urgent abscess drainage needs. This procedure helps to control the infection and reduce pain.


Stitching, in cases of injury, our professional team can come to your home to provide the necessary intervention and can perform the stitching process in a sterile manner.

Tooth Extraction and Filling

Tooth extraction and filling, we provide emergency tooth extraction and filling services, reducing your pain to a minimum and keeping your comfort at the maximum.

Doctor Accompaniment

Doctor Accompaniment 12 Hours

 especially in post-operative periods or in serious health situations, a doctor may need to be present with the patient for a certain period of time. Bitedavi offers doctor accompaniment services in 12-hour periods.

Doctor Accompaniment 24 Hours

For more critical situations, we provide continuous doctor support throughout the day. This service not only allows for constant monitoring of the patient's condition but also provides peace of mind to family members.

Doctor Service At Home

Advantages of At-Home Doctor Service

Comfort and Convenience

Sensitive Situations: For the elderly, disabled, or those with limited mobility, traveling to a hospital or health center can be challenging and uncomfortable. Our at-home doctor service removes this difficulty by bringing medical care into the safe and comfortable environment of their homes for these sensitive groups.

Busy Schedules: For individuals with demanding daily routines such as workers or caregivers, finding extra time for health appointments can be stressful. Our at-home doctor service offers these individuals the ability to manage their time more flexibly and accommodate their health needs into their schedules conveniently.

Personalized Service

One-on-One Attention: Hospitals and clinics can often be busy, meaning doctors might not have enough time for each patient. Our at-home doctor service ensures you get your doctor’s undivided attention at your convenience, so you have the chance to ask every question and discuss your concerns in detail.

Attention to Specific Needs: Each individual’s health condition and needs are unique. At-home health services allow the doctor to make a more comprehensive assessment by considering the patient's living conditions, dietary habits, and environmental factors.

Reduced Risk of Infection

Controlled Environment: At-home care prevents patients from being exposed to hospital environments filled with bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. This is especially critical for individuals with weakened immune systems or those who are vulnerable to infections.

Hygiene and Safety: Our home health team applies the highest standards of hygiene with every visit, thus securing the patient's health safety.

Time Management

Efficiency: In hospitals, time is often spent waiting for appointments, taking numbers, and in traffic. Home healthcare eliminates these processes, allowing patients to save time.

Flexible Scheduling: Patients can arrange appointments that suit their schedules. This permits the rescheduling of services when unexpected situations, family obligations, or urgent work needs arise, thereby ensuring patients receive healthcare with minimal disruption to their daily lives.

Secure Your Health With Bitedavi

As Bitedavi, we ensure your medical needs are covered with our at-home doctor service. Our professional and experienced team is always ready to provide you with the best service. Enjoy the privilege of managing your health in the comfort of your home and enhancing your quality of life.

Your health is at the core of your quality of life. Bitedavi's at-home doctor service offers freedom and flexibility in response to the challenges and needs brought by modern life. Get in touch with us to start experiencing this service and discover the power of managing your own health.

Frequently Asked Questions

The at-home doctor service works by logging into the Bitedavi Mobile Application and selecting the time slot of your choice, after which a doctor comes to your home to provide healthcare services.

A variety of services including general health examinations, minor surgical procedures, child and adult health screenings, vaccinations, certain laboratory tests, and post-operative follow-up can be provided in a home setting.

Yes, it is provided by trained professionals in the field of home healthcare and all standard hygiene procedures are applied, thus the risk of infection is minimal.

The cost of in-home doctor services can vary depending on the type of service provided and the duration of the service. Many health insurance policies may cover such services, but it is important to check the details of your policy and to discuss with your insurance provider.
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Home Health Services

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